​ 1 Minute Warm Up
45 Seconds Push-ups; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Pike Push-Ups; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Burpees; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Reverse Lunges; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Jump Squats; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Full Mountain Climbers; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Bicycle Crunches; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Flutter Kicks; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Plank Climbers; 10 Seconds Rest​​
30 Seconds Rest
Repeat x3
1 Mile run for Time
10 Minute Stretching, top to bottom
3 Mile Run For Time
10 Minute Stretching, top to bottom
​ 1 Minute Warm Up
45 Seconds Diamond Push-ups; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Dive Bomber Push-ups; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds High Knees; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Pistol Squats Side #1; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Pistol Squats Side #2; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Knee Tuck Jump; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Russian Twists; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Hello Dollies; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Plank Jumps; 10 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Rest
Repeat x3
1 Mile Run for Time
10 Minute Stretching, top to bottom
3 Mile Run For Time
10 Minute Stretching, top to bottom
​ 1 Minute Warm Up
45 Seconds Plyo Push-Ups; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Wide Grip Push-Ups; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Plank Walk ; 10 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Reverse Lunges; 10 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Squats; 10 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Skaters; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Knee Pulls; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Hello Dollies; 10 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds Plank Walk out; 10 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Rest
Repeat x3
1 Mile Run For Time
10 Minute Stretching, top to bottom
3 Mile Run For Time
10 Minute Stretching, top to bottom